Each “Taylormade” plan is individualised and will be a gradual & gentle process which will ensure full emotional support for both you and your child. As much as this is my business, it is my passion to help others — I will be working alongside you on your journey.
Please see my ‘How I Work’ page here for a description of each of my services. Packages are as follows: Pm me for pricing details
Private antenatal classes from your home (one 3-hour session)
3-6 Months 1 hour consultation: Feed/sleep advice & support and sleep shaping. (Following review of your history form I contact your for up to an 1 hour phone consultation, and provide you with a taylormade routine & a follow up call 1 week later to assess progress)
7-12 Months 1 hour consultation: Feed/solid/sleep training advice & support (Following review of your history form I contact your for up to an 1 hour phone consultation, and provide you with a taylormade plan. I also follow up with 2 calls) - This includes a discussion on when to transition from 3 to 2 naps/spacing naps and wake windows
12-18 months 1 hour consultations: Feed/solid/sleep training advice & support with discussion of an sleep association (Following review of your history form I contact your for a 1 hour phone consultation, and provide you with a taylormade plan & 3 follow up calls)
Nap transition consultation: 15-30 minute consultation on how to transition down naps (this is not sleep training) a plan and a follow up call.
Baby Sleep Training: 6 months-2 years (3-4 week program)
Toddler/child Sleep Training: 3-5 years (3-4 week program)
Custom service bundles depending on requirements are also available - pricing available upon request
*Pricing for twins is same as a single child.
*Sibling discounts are also available.
*Pricing available for return clients who would like continued support throughout your childs age related sleep/feed issue.